
My Buddy

Friday, June 3, 2011

Five ? Friday

1. If you had to choose, how would you prefer to choose to spend money...on landscaping or a pool?

Definitly lanscaping! A pool would be nice but not practical for us.

2. Death penalty, yay or nay?


3. What's the worst thing your kid has gotten into when you turned your back/blogged/showered/blinked?

My 'kid" (yes, the beagle) likes to get into things that don't belong to him and tear them up when I'm busy doing something else besides paying attention to him. When he's left home alone, he doesn't do these things. Of course, when he was a puppy he did major damage to our house when we weren't home. January 2010 we went to and ice racing event at the local arena and came home to find the dog in the back yard then noticed that he had chewed through the back door... yes you read that right! We live in a double-wide mobile home so the door was foam core with a fiberglass covering. Needless to say we had a large hole in our door in the middle of a cold Michigan winter. We rigged it so it was at least covered until we could order a new door (and wait 6 weeks for delivery) and have it installed.

4. How often do you REALLY go to the dentist?

Not often enough... don't have insurance to go either...

5. What is your favorite animal (doesn't have to be a pet-type animal)?

I LOVE DOGS!!! Always have and always will.

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