
My Buddy

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Beautiful Weather

The weather here in Michigan has been absolutely gorgeous! Sunshine and highs in the upper 50s to low 60s is just what my body needed. I spent a few hours outside yesterday picking up sticks and rocks that were thrown around by the snowblower. I have spring fever like I've never felt before. The sad part is, we have snow in the forcast for this coming Sunday.... just a light dusting, but I was hoping we were done with it. I'm going to work on my flower beds next week so my tulips can come up without any obstuctions. I love watching the flowers come up in the spring. It adds new life to the yard and puts a smile on my face. It's also nice that the dog will stay outside for hours too. He loves the sunshine and fresh air. It gives me more time to get things done that I normally put off when he is in the house. He doesn't like it when I go into a room he can't be in. Yes, he's that spoiled. I made my spring cleaning list yesterday and was able to cross one off the list already. Let's just hope I can keep up the momentum! As soon as Young & the Restless is off and Buddy is done with his nap, I'm going to head out for a nice spring walk around my old neighborhood. Time for some fresh air and exercise!

Friday, March 5, 2010

It's Been a While

Wow! It's been a while since I posted here. I've been enjoying the wonderful weather the past few days. We are in the high 30s/low 40s here. The sun has been shining and it really seems to brighten my mood. We are finally getting our new door installed tomorrow. It took the company a full month to send it. The guy that is going to help Chuck install it is going to pick it up today along with the other stuff he's going to need. Then he'll be out in the morning to get started. Hopefully it goes smoothly. I would hate to have a door off my house for too long. I know the temps are warming up, but it's not THAT warm! We are going to put up some plastic and a couple of blankets to block as much air as we can plus the gate to keep the dog inside. I hope this warmer weather continues so I can get out and walk. I love to walk the neighborhood, but the roads are getting slushy and muddy as the snow melts. Sometimes I have to put on rubber boots just to get to the mailbox! We still have quite a bit of snow in our yard, so it will be a while before I can do any yard work (not that I can do too much anyway!). I just can't wait to uncover my tulips and daffodils. I love to look at my flowers. Anyway, time for Young & the Restless and maybe a little snooze!