
My Buddy

Friday, May 6, 2011

Five ? Friday

1. Have you ever had roommates? Yes. Just out of High School I moved in with my best friend, her boyfriend and his best friend. Didn't work out for us though and I'm glad we made it past all of our childishness to remain friends today.

2. How many names to you/your children have? (i.e. Prince Charming William Phillip Arthur Louis John Jacob Jingleheimer-Schmidt) - I don't have any children, but I have 3 names -- First, Middle, Last.

3. Did you watch the Royal Wedding? I didn't intend to, but there was nothing else on TV.

4. What is the messiest room in your house? Sadly, it's my spare bedroom. I call it my dungeon room. If it doesn't have a place, it ends up in the dungeon. I plan to get to it soon and take a load to Goodwill because I know a lot of that junk needs to go there!

5. What is your ideal Mother's Day? I'm not a mother myself, but I love that my neices acknowledge how much I love them. Every year for Mother's Day, I have my family over for a Lasagna Dinner. Nothing different this year. I love spending time with my family!

1 comment:

  1. We love spending time with you too and I always look forward to your lasagna, I also love helping you cook it too! See you tomorrow!

    Loves yas! :)
