
My Buddy

Monday, March 14, 2011

Slow Journey

Wow... this has been harder than I thought it would be. Winter is such a hard time to try to lose weight. I've been sticking with my workouts, but still only lost 8 pounds total. I started a food journal 2 weeks ago and it puts things into prospective. I am finally getting enough protein, but I have way too many carbs every day. According to all of the research I've done, I should be eating 2000 calories a day and I barely get 1200 a day. Yesterday I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast and a piece of cake for an afternoon snack and just broke the 1200 calorie mark for the day. I definately don't want to get my calories from the wrong sources! So I will continue to tweak my food intake until I get it right, but I really don't think I can eat 2000 calories a day!

The weather is starting to get warmer and I plan to walk every day I can. The roads are so muddy around here, it's hard to get out some days, but I am definately going to give it a try. Buddy needs the exercise too, so it will be good for both of us.

One a brighter note... I am now an official member of Hope Reformed Church. I had my confirmation yesterday. The people at this church are so wonderful! They made me feel welcome from the day I started going there 2 years ago. I feel really bad for my Mom because she is so sick, she had to miss it. It broke her heart, but it was better for her to stay home and get well. The rest of my family was there and my little 2 year old neice even cheered for me. She gets used to seeing me up in front of the church because I have been singing solos quite a bit lately, and now the Lenten choir is singing every week. I love looking out into the congregation and seeing my beautiful neices smiling back at me. Besides singing, I have thrown myself into the Family Meals twice a month and also unofficially taken over the Senior Fellowship group. I feel like I'm part of something again and it's good for my soul. It has helped lift me out of my depression and made me whole again. Life is good!


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