
My Buddy

Friday, June 10, 2011

Five Question Fridays

1. How close to your childhood dreams is your life now? Waaaaay off! I wanted to be a teacher for a while when I was really young, then I wanted to be a Nanny. Today, I'm a disabled stay-at-home "wife".... keeper of the dog. Don't get me wrong, I don't think I would trade my life. I've learned a lot in my life and learned from my successes and failures.

2. What is one must have item for the summer? Air Conditioning! After the two 90+ degree days we had around here this past week, I don't know how I ever lived without it.

3. Do you have your kids stay up on school stuff during summer vacation? (Or, if you don't have kiddos, did your parents make you keep up on school stuff during summer?) I don't see anything wrong with keeping a mind sharp during the summer. When I was growing up, my parents encouraged us to read for a half hour before lights out. I still do that today!

4. Do you can or freeze fresh produce? ummm... no... that would take ambition and patience that I do not have....

5. Do you get ready for the day first thing in the morning? Sometimes... depends on if I'm leaving the house or not. If I'm home for the day, I just put on something comfy and go about my day. If I'm going out for an appointment or to babysit, I'm showered, dressed and out the door in a half hour.

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