
My Buddy

Friday, April 8, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Where do I start? I wish I was more self confident. I have body issues, food issues, anxiety issues.... etc. Maybe some willpower would help too. Being 150 pounds overweight can put a damper on a lot of things in your life. 2. Write about a time you got lost. My best friend and I went to Grand Rapids to visit a friend in the hospital that had been in a horseback riding accident. When we left, she got on the wrong highway and we ended up in Saugatuck/Douglas area before she realized it. I didn't have any sense of direction so I didn't know it either. Last year on July 4th, Chuck and I decided to go for a drive. I tried getting us lost by deciding which direction to go when we reached a stop sign. Only problem is, he doesn't get lost. He knows so many back roads in Michigan, it's impossible. We did make it to Saginaw Bay for a picnic, but didn't stay long because it was so hot. By then he know exactly which route he wanted to take to get home. 3. Camping or 5 star hotel? Camping, definately. I can't sleep on the ground anymore though. The last time we went camping it got really cold at night and my arthritis got so bad, I was in pain all day long. Then we started the cycle all over again. But it was wonderful spending time with the family! 4. Have you donated blood? Yes, I do, not every 56 days though. The Catholic church in my neighbor open up their fellowship building to the Red Cross and Knights of Columbus 4-5 times a year for a blood drive. It's only 2 blocks from my house so it's very convenient. Plus they serve an awesome lunch too! 5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months? I guess it's a little of both. I have mental knowledge of how much the bills are and when they are due every month, but I have also been known to pay extra if the funds allow. I finally got my grocery spending under control and I'm on a mission to remove somethings from my home in order to save on utilities. DaniLynn

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