
My Buddy

Friday, April 29, 2011

Five Question Fridays

1. If you could buy any car, money not an option, what would it be? 1974 Road Runner... don't know why, just want one!

2. What was your worst first date ever? I used to go out with this guy and all he ever wanted to do is go to hockey games (this was before I was into hockey). I was more into him than the game and he shushed me most of the game. Finally I just quit answering his calls.

3. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time? I thought I was in love when I was 19, but found out years later that it wasn't love, we were better off friends. I guess I was about 22 or 23 when I really fell in love for the first time. It didn't work out, but we are still good friends.

4. When was the last time you reconciled your checkbook? Just a few days ago. I'm a little OCD about it...

5. If you were going to fashion a "Wanted" Ad for a best friend, how would you word it? Wanted: Someone I can laugh with and cry with. Someone that can sit in the same room with me and know my every thought. Someone that knows when I need a hug and when I need to be left alone. Someone I can tell my secrets too and won't judge me for the things I've done. Gender make no difference.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Question Fridays

1. What is your favorite sign of spring? Watching the tulips and daffodils popping through the soil after the snow is gone.

2. What was your best birthday ever? My 30th birthday was the best for me. It was a triumph in ways. I was told when I was twelve, because of my dislocated hip and my weight, I would be wheelchair bound by the time I was thirty. I wasn't and I feel better than ever today... 6 years later!

3. What is your favorite dessert? That's a hard one... I love chocolate, but I guess my favorite dessert is peanut butter pie!

4. What is the best excuse you've ever used to get out of a ticket? The only ticket I ever got was for speeding, but I was coming out of a 45mph zone and it suddenly dropped to 30mph and it was downhill. I hadn't quite slowed down yet and the cop got me. I didn't give any excuses, I just paid the ticket.

5. Do you wake up before your alarm, with your alarm, or after hitting snooze several times? When I do use an alarm to get up, I am usually awake before the alarm. I will still lay there and wait for it to go off and it still makes me jump.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Five Question Friday

1. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Where do I start? I wish I was more self confident. I have body issues, food issues, anxiety issues.... etc. Maybe some willpower would help too. Being 150 pounds overweight can put a damper on a lot of things in your life. 2. Write about a time you got lost. My best friend and I went to Grand Rapids to visit a friend in the hospital that had been in a horseback riding accident. When we left, she got on the wrong highway and we ended up in Saugatuck/Douglas area before she realized it. I didn't have any sense of direction so I didn't know it either. Last year on July 4th, Chuck and I decided to go for a drive. I tried getting us lost by deciding which direction to go when we reached a stop sign. Only problem is, he doesn't get lost. He knows so many back roads in Michigan, it's impossible. We did make it to Saginaw Bay for a picnic, but didn't stay long because it was so hot. By then he know exactly which route he wanted to take to get home. 3. Camping or 5 star hotel? Camping, definately. I can't sleep on the ground anymore though. The last time we went camping it got really cold at night and my arthritis got so bad, I was in pain all day long. Then we started the cycle all over again. But it was wonderful spending time with the family! 4. Have you donated blood? Yes, I do, not every 56 days though. The Catholic church in my neighbor open up their fellowship building to the Red Cross and Knights of Columbus 4-5 times a year for a blood drive. It's only 2 blocks from my house so it's very convenient. Plus they serve an awesome lunch too! 5. Do you have a budget or do you 'fly by' most months? I guess it's a little of both. I have mental knowledge of how much the bills are and when they are due every month, but I have also been known to pay extra if the funds allow. I finally got my grocery spending under control and I'm on a mission to remove somethings from my home in order to save on utilities. DaniLynn

Friday, April 1, 2011

Five Question Fridays

1. Have you ever had surgery? Yes, a few. On this day (April 1) in 1987, I had 3 pins put into my right hip because I dislocated it. I was 12 years old. In December the same year, I had them removed because they were irritating the inside lining of my skin. In January 2001, I had my right hip replaced with a titanium prosthetic. Also, I had my gall bladder removed in 2008.

2. Ever ride in an ambulance? no, and I hope I never have to!

3. How are you in a medical emergency? Panicked? Calm? I've never had to deal with a major emergency, but I'm sure I'll panic. That's my nature. When my Mom went into ER with chest pains, I was panicked on the inside, but calm for her on the outside, but I let her know how scared I was once I knew she was going to be OK.

4. Do you have a garden? Flowers or veggies? Yes, I have a few gardens. All flowers. I don't think I would succeed growing veggies. I can barely keep my flowers alive!

5. When did you move out of your parents house? Initially, I moved from home on prom night 1993. Some friends and I moved into our own apartment, which didn't work out for us. I moved back home by Thanksgiving the same year. I moved out a couple other times to live with a boyfriend (same on both times) but it was never meant to be. I was back home by 1996. Chuck and I moved into this house in January 2000, 4 months after my Dad passed away.