
My Buddy

Friday, January 29, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

Oh boy am I in pain! I really overdid it yesterday and I'm paying for it today. When I woke up, I felt a little pain... then I stood up. OMG!!!!! I didn't think I would make it to the bathroom. My poor pup needed to go out and I could barely get dressed. I felt so bad for him. It eased up a bit the more I moved, but I never really felt right today. My time at the computer was limited earlier because I couldn't sit in my computer chair very long. I didn't even go out to get the mail. I waited for Chuck to get it when he came home from work. He ended up working overtime so my bathroom sink didn't get fixed. He said he would do it tomorrow along with rest of his "honey-do" list. Needless to say, I didn't do any kind of workout today... I couldn't even stand long enough to make dinner. Laundry got put off again too. I'm ready to go to bed and lay on the heating pad for a while.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Such a Long Day

I never thought this day would come to an end. I was up at 6am to take Chuck to work so I could have the car. The weather was nasty. The temp was 15 with a wind chill of -5. We had light snow, but the wind made it almost blizzard-like at times. I prayed for the whole 30 mile round trip. Back at home, the dog and I decided we needed more sleep so we slept in the recliner for a couple more hours. I knew I had to get moving because I had to be to the Church by 1pm for a funeral luncheon for one of the church members. I went to take a shower and heard a drip.... drip.... drip.... coming from under the bathroom sink. Not good. Come to find out, the leak was on top of the sink and the backside of the counter flooded causing a leak between the counter top and the wall. So I shut the water off from below the sink and called Chuck at work to tell him the news. We have been wanting to replace the cheap faucets in our bathrooms so we saw this as a sign that the time is now. Anyway, I finally got my shower, had some lunch, and wrote out some checks for bills. I got to the church about 12:30pm to help set up the fellowship hall. There was so much work to be done! The other ladies (my Mom and Sister-in-Law included) already had a jump start on the work. I don't think I sat down except for a short time during the service and the a few minutes to eat after the family had eaten. I was short on time because I had to pick up Chuck from work and get home to my poor pup who doesn't like to be alone. I was so tired and sore when I left the church. I haven't done that much work on my feet in a long time. I used to work in a restaurant but I quit working in 1999 when my arthritis got real bad. I was sure I would not be able to work out when I got home. After dinner, I made myself turn on the Wii and put in my Biggest Loser workout and off I went. All I have to say is.... OUCH! Bob put me through the ringer! It was just a light workout, but I dread that Downward Facing Dog. I did my best and got through it, but now I think I'm confined to my recliner for the rest of the evening. Hopefully it eases by tomorrow. Laundry beckons me (my least favorite chore). I am also hoping to add some pictures to my blog tomorrow if time allows.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Welcome to My World

Well, here I go. My first blog. I never thought I would do this, but here I am! I need a place to vent my frustrations and achievements of life's journey. My current journey is a life changing one. I'm on a mission to lose 170 pounds. It may never happen... it's a big goal. I just take it one day at a time. This week's achievement?... I lost 3 pounds for a grand total of 10 since January 3! I'm very proud of myself since my weight has been an issue my whole life. I'll get into more of that later. My wonderful sister-in-law is on the same journey and she is my main support. My boyfriend of 11 years supports me also, but he likes to criticize too much.

Stayed tuned for more updates to come!
